Nannari powder benefits

Nannari powder benefits

Nannari powder benefits Nannari powder benefits: Nannari (Indian Sarsaparilla) is a powerful root, which helps to keep your body cool and reduce stomach ulcer problems. The term “Nannari sarbath” is known throughout India, from north to south. The nannari sarbath is one of the famous summer drink in India. It’s prepared by using nannari syrup. … Read more

Poonaikali vidhai benefits

Poonaikali vidhai benefits

Poonaikali vidhai benefits Poonaikali vidhai benefits: Poonaikali vidhai (velvet bean seeds) is rich in anti-oxidant and anti-bacterial properties. This poonaikali vidhai is a traditional Ayurvedic medicine. But these seeds were hidden due to the unpopularity of their benefits. In our grandma’s time, this medicine was mostly used to treat infertility and lower body strength. Moreover, … Read more

Jathikai in english

Jathikai in english

Jathikai in english Jathikai in english: Jathikai (nutmeg) has rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It looks like a small coconut in shape. But the benefits are huge. In this busy world, we need to face so many problems regularly. For relieving stress, we need to follow meditation steps regularly. But, already, we are running … Read more

Nellikai in english

Nellikai in english

Nellikai in english Nellikai in English: Nellikai (Indian gooseberry) has the most powerful anti-oxidant and immune-boosting properties. The nellikai is rich in vitamin C. It’s also known as amla. There are two types of nellikai used in India: small nellikai and large nellikai. In general, nellikai has a sour flavor. The small nellikai tastes better than … Read more

Vellarugu powder benefits

Vellarugu powder benefits Vellarugu powder benefits: Vellarugu (swallow-wort plants) is a small tree-like plant that has enriched with numerous amount of medicinal properties. This leaf is grown as grass with small white flowers. The vellarugu can be taken in powder form. In the village, vellarugu powder is mainly used to treat insect poisoning and skin … Read more

Kandankathiri powder uses

Kandankathiri powder uses

Kandankathiri powder uses Kandankathiri powder uses: Kandankathiri (Yellow Fruit Night-Shade) has powerful anti-oxidant and anti-microbial properties. Mainly, this powder is used to solve respiratory problems. Apart from that, there are numerous benefits hidden in kandankathiri powder. The kandankathiri looks like a small brinjal vegetable. In the village, many of them take this vegetable regularly as … Read more

Aada thoda ilai in english?

aada thoda ilai in english

Aada thoda ilai in English? Aada thoda ilai in English: Aadu thoda ilai (Malabar nut) is a powerful immune booster. It has rich in antispasmodic and antibacterial properties. This is also called “healing medicine.” It helps solve several health problems. In the village, the interesting thought about aadu thoda ilai is that taking aadu thoda … Read more

Sirupeelai powder benefits

sirupeelai powder benefits

Sirupeelai powder benefits Sirupeelai powder benefits: The sirupeelai powder is rich in antioxidant and anti-cancer properties. So, the leaf has very powerful medicinal properties to treat several health problems. It’s mostly grown in Asia, Africa, and Australia. Moreover, this plant is available all over the world. In Tamilnadu, the sirupeelai is used in the Pongal … Read more

Nilavembu powder benefits

Nilavembu powder benefits

Nilavembu powder benefits Nilavembu powder benefits: Nilaavembu powder does not need any special introduction; all of them take this nilavembu juice during the corona period. So, you know the effectiveness of nilavembu. The anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties of nilavembu can even kill pandemic viruses. In 2020, our entire world will be shut down due to … Read more

Thuthuvalai powder with honey

Thuthuvalai powder with honey

Thuthuvalai powder with honey Thuthuvalai powder with honey: Thuthuvalai has rich in anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. On another side, honey is also a great anti-oxidant property. Combining both cures numerous health problems. Generally, thuthuvalai is commonly used for treating colds and fevers. According to ayurvedic, thuthuvalai is very effective to solve all types of respiratory … Read more

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