How to use dry ginger powder

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How to use dry ginger powder

How to use dry ginger powder: Dried ginger has one of the most powerful antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. The old people say, taking ginger daily makes your body free from any disease. Also, dry ginger is most effective in digestion, So your mom/grandma adding ginger to your daily food. The dry ginger is peppery and sweet in taste.

But when compared to fresh ginger, it has a lesser pungent smell. So, it is easy to consume. The medicinal properties of dry ginger cure sore throat, cough, heavy fever, skin inflammation, indigestion problem, obesity, nausea, hypertension, headache, etc. It is considered our traditional medicine, which was used by our older generations.

Most 90’s kids can know about the candy “Injji marrapa”. This candy was available in small petty shops. Nowadays, also it’s available. The name “Injji marrapa” refers to “dry ginger candy”. It’s made with dry ginger and jaggery. Now, let us try a little different from ’90s. We are going to see about the preparation of dry ginger laddu.

Ingredients to prepare dry ginger laddu:

How to prepare dry ginger laddu?

Let me explain the steps to prepare dry ginger laddu. This recipe is very simple and healthy. Mainly, it will definitely be a favorite snack for your children.

  • Step 1: Buy 100% pure dry ginger powder at Jeyam Herbals.
  • Step 2: Don’t forget to apply a special coupon – “Jey20”. It’s applicable to all products.
  • Step 3: Now take all the ingredients, that I mentioned above.
  • Step 4: Take a large plate and a pan.
  • Step 5: Firstly, you need to put two tablespoons of ghee in the pan and stir it slowly. (Mainly use low flame while preparing)
  • Step 6: Add five tablespoons of Jaggery powder and stir it slowly. (Wait until the bubbles form)
  • Step 7: Once the bubbles formed in the jaggery mix, then add all the remaining ingredients ( Dry ginger powder 5 tbs, Turmeric powder 1 tbs, Pepper maul 1 tbs, Pepper 1/2 tbs).
  • Step 8: Mix and stir all the ingredients for two minutes.
  • Step 9: After off your gas flame. Again stir it, until becomes a thick paste.
  • Step 10: Finally, it will become a thick paste consistent.
  • Step 11: Now take a plate, Make small round size balls from the thick paste. Put the tasty ginger laddu on the plate.
  • Step 12: Leave it for 1 hour.
  • Step 13: Finally, the dry ginger laddu is ready.
  • Step 14: Don’t forget to comment on us, about the recipe.

Benefits of dry ginger powder:

  1. Boost your immunity power
  2. Reduce cold and cough
  3. Great for reducing headache
  4. Increase energy
  5. Helps in weight loss
  6. Reduce severe fever
  7. Good for digestion
  8. Reduce nausea
  9. Reduce skin inflammation
  10. Lower blood sugar level

Uses of dry ginger powder laddu:

Dry ginger laddu ingredientsUses
Dry ginger powderGreat anti-oxidant and helps to reduce cold and cough.
GaggeryHelps in increasing energy and keeps you active.
PepperGood for digestion and increases appetite
Pepper maulIncrease the laddu taste (Use it as seasonal powder)
Turmeric powderTurmeric is a great anti-oxidant and reduces skin inflammation.
GheeGhee has healthy fat. It keeps your heart healthy.
How to use dry ginger powder

Frequently asked questions:

a). How to use dry ginger powder for weight loss?

Dry ginger powder is effective for weight loss. It helps to burn calories and reduce fat. For internal use, take dry ginger powder as a detox drink. In the detox drink, add dry ginger powder, lemon, spinach, and hot water. Follow the detox drink with your diet for weight loss.

b). How to use dry ginger powder for face?

The anti-inflammatory properties of dry ginger powder help to reduce skin inflammation. For external use, mix the dry ginger powder with milk. Make a smooth paste. Apply it on your face, it will help to reduce skin inflammation and calm down your skin. Also, good to reduce acne and pimples.

c). How to use dry ginger powder for cold?

Dry ginger powder is an effective solution for relieving colds and coughs. For internal use, add the dry ginger powder with tea powder. Make hot ginger tea, it will help to reduce cold and cough.

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