Jathikai in english

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Jathikai in english

Jathikai in english: Jathikai (nutmeg) has rich in antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It looks like a small coconut in shape. But the benefits are huge. In this busy world, we need to face so many problems regularly. For relieving stress, we need to follow meditation steps regularly. But, already, we are running in a busy world, so it’s difficult to spend much time on meditation. So, what to do?

Don’t worry, by taking Jathikai (Nutmeg) powder regularly, helps to control your stress level and provides deep sleep. Also, take those who feel sleepless at night. It helps to secrets serotonin levels to enhance quality sleep and make relax your body. Concerning the benefits of jathikai, it boosts brain health, keeps your heart healthy, Provides deep sleep, Reduces blood sugar levels, Reduces body stress, Prevents bad breath, Good for digestion, Prevents some cancers, Effective for joints pain, etc.

There are numerous amount of benefits stored in the small nutmeg. Let’s see, how to make jathikai (Nutmeg) juice and its steps of preparation. Before that, I mention that you should use natural products on a regular basis to achieve the best results. 

Ingredients to prepare Jathikai (Nutmeg) juice:

Steps to prepare jathikai (Nutmeg) juice:

  • Step 1: Buy 100% pure jathikai powder at Jeyam herbals.
  • Step 2: Don’t forget to apply a special coupon: “Jey20” It’s applicable to all products.
  • Step 3: Gather all the ingredients, that I listed above.
  • Step 4: Take a glass and a tablespoon.
  • Step 5: First, you need to add two tablespoons of jathikai (Nutmeg) powder to the glass.
  • Step 6: Next, add some small ginger pieces (cut the ginger into small pieces).
  • Step 7: Now, add two tablespoons of jeera and also add a pinch of turmeric.
  • Step 8: At last, add a tablespoon of honey and palm sugar.
  • Step 9: Finally, add 250 ml of water and make it heat.
  • Step 10: That’s all, the healthiest jathikkai juice is ready. (This jathikai juice is also considered jathikai kashayam).

Uses of jathikai juice:

Jathikai juiceUses
Jathikai (Nutmeg) powder It’s effective to relieve stress and helps with joint pain.
GingerIt’s a great antioxidant, which helps to relieve dry cough and fever.
JeeraJeera is effective for weight loss and makes your body detox.
HoneyHoney improves the taste of the juice and increases your immune power.
TurmericTurmeric has excellent anti-bacterial properties, so it helps to flush toxins from your body.
Jathikai in english

Frequently asked questions:

a). Jathikai uses for face:

Yes, it provides anti-aging effects on the face. Taking jathikai powder juice regularly helps to increase the skin’s collagen level and reverse sun damage.

b). Jathikai masikai uses for babies:

Jathikai masikai helps babies to reduce gas problems, improve digestion, improve appetite, provide good sleep, body relax, etc.

Next, Read the beneficial post – Nellikai in english

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