Chitharathai for babies

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Chitharathai for babies

Chitharathai for babies: Chitarathai is also called lesser galangal in English and Kulanjan in Hindi. The chitharathai powder has packed with lot of medicinal uses and benefits. In the ancient periods, chitarathai powder was mostly used for relieving colds and coughs.

As far now, it’s an effective natural medicine for cold and cough, so giving a small amount of chitharathai water to babies, helps to relieve colds and coughs immediately.

Benefits of chitarathai for babies:

  1. Great for cold and cough
  2. Helps to reduce fever
  3. Stops vomiting
  4. Reduce headache
  5. Helpful for gas disorder
  6. Helpful for respiratory disorder

1. Great for cold and cough:

Chitarathai powder has great medicine for relieving colds and coughs. It has enriched with anti-bacterial and anti-oxidant properties. The medicinal properties of chitirathai powder help to relieve excessive cold from the lungs. The chitarathai powder can be taken at any age. Mainly, it’s good for babies, to relieve from cold and cough. Also, it helps to relieve fever.

2. Helps to reduce fever:

If the person, who is suffering from high fever, can take chitarathai powder to reduce any kind of fever. It helps to decrease body heat and reduce body temperature. The anti-oxidant properties of chitarathai powder combined with the nilavembu powder, make a powerful anti-bacterial property.

This combination is enough to treat any type of fever. Even it will cure pandemic diseases like corona, malaria, etc.

3. Stops vomiting:

The chitarathai is an effective way to stop vomiting. The aroma of chitarathai with the combination of honey helps to reduce vomiting issues. For babies, gives two spoons of chitarathai powder mixed with honey. It will help to stop vomiting and good for digestion.

4. Reduce headache:

The headache is mainly caused due to stress, tension, lack of sleep, drinking alcohol, etc. For relieving headache, take a little amount of chitarathai powder with ginger. Make a drink by mixing it with hot water. The anti-oxidant properties of chitarathai powder help to relieve headache. Also, it’s good for babies.

5. Helpful for gas disorder:

Chitarathai powder is helpful for solving gas disorder problems. The main cause of the gas disorder problem has taking highly gas-produced foods like potatoes, corn, beans, etc. Also, some genetic reasons, cause gas disorder. The excessive amount of gas will be stored in small intestine. It will cause stomach pain and indigestion problems.

Taking chitarathai powder helps in digestion, and provide relief from gas disorder. Mainly, giving two spoons of chitharathai powder drink is good for babies.

6. Helpful for respiratory disorder:

Chitarathai is an effective medicine to solve respiratory disorder problem. The respiratory problem caused by smoking, asthma, air pollution, etc. The respiratory problem also affects small babies. In long term, it may cause some serious problems.

So, giving a spoon of chitarathai water to baby, helps to relieve all types of respiratory disorder problems.

Frequently asked questions:

a). Chitharathai powder benefits?

  1. Reduce body inflammation
  2. Good for cold and cough
  3. Great for fever
  4. It helps to recover from viral diseases
  5. Promote weight loss
  6. Stops vomiting
  7. Reduces headache
  8. Helpful for gas disorder
  9. Helpful for respiratory disorder
  10. Good for bad breath

b). What is called chitharathai in english?

Chitharathai in english called lesser galangal. The lesser galangal is available all over the world.

C). How to use chitharathai powder?

Chitharathai powder is taste like ginger. In China, the chitharathai is called mild ginger. For external, use chitharathai powder with honey, brown sugar, ginger powder, kabasura powder, plain hot water, etc. It will boost your immune power and relieves sore throat problem.

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